Dr. Thamen wanted to be a dentist since she was in elementary school. While growing up, she had positive influences on her career from her family physician, the late Dr. Emmet J. Conrad, and her family dentist, Fr. Lavern Holyfield. They were the type of people that had you wanting to go to their practice for decades. The whole family was taken care of totally by both the doctors and the staff in a professional, loving way. That type of environment is what Dr. Thamen has modeled Prosperity Dental after.
Dr. Thamen graduated from the University of Texas at Austin and then from Baylor College of Dentistry of Dallas, Texas. She has since practiced for decades in Grand Prairie, Texas before coming to DeSoto, Texas.
She has 2 adult children and enjoys spending time with her family and friends.
The rest of the team at Prosperity Dental has decades of experience in healthcare as well.
Diane, the receptionist, has been in the dental field for more than 40 years on top of being a Medical Assistant.
Nurse Judi, the dental assistant, has been a nurse for more than 20 years.
Both Diane and Judi go the extra mile to take care of the patient’s needs.
We’d love to hear from you! Call our friendly team at 972-360-0562.